We at Vida Telecom, Singapore are owners of our own brand VIDA Mobiles, part of a 150MnUS$ company.

This is a century full of opportunities with fortune changing times just around the corner and of course it comes with its own bed of thorns and challenges without conquering which, would never give satisfaction to the guardians of this era, however with overwhelming businesses possibilities overriding by the surge of information, analytical intelligence and Internet. Our products, business models, business philosophy and business structure is continuously evolving and aligning itself to the need of the hour and redefining itself to changed framework necessary to keeping pushing ourselves to scaling and continuously soaring new heights.

This is an era of change and continuous innovation, one after the another, fierce competition everywhere has become the playground and again times have come to prove Darwin right “Survival of the fittest”.. that only the fittest survive who are continuously working on innovation. If we fail in accelerating business transformation, discovering and seizing new industry and market opportunities to build new capabilities, our future will be perilous.

We will stand at a new starting point and strive to build Vida Telecom into a competitive business! In the overall strategy of Vida Telecom in the next two to three years, we shall consolidate the foundation, with continuous innovation, to achieve a new leap forward with our entire product lines namely, Mobile Devices, Data Devices, Mobile Applications, Wireless Products, Wired Infrastructure Products, Digital POS Systems, Smart City Products and Services & Rural Connectivity Products and Services.


Vida Telecom as a subsidiary of Vida Resources Pte Ltd, Singapore which works cohesively, collaboratively, and with full contractually obligated in-cooperation with multiple top of the line technological innovation design and software development houses in China for the development of products under its trade marketed registered brand “VIDA”.

Vida Telecom’s ODM Contractual Obligation with Design House & Software Development Centers

Vida Telecom collaborates upon arriving at market estimates on projections, customer demands around product design aesthetics & hygiene factors, market ruling on specifications as per growth and demand of speed and connectivity to create and develop new product designs and specifications based on the product idea brief gained from on ground intelligence derived from users, market research and also driving forces of competition.

Vida Telecom also enables many local in-country brands with their product development requirement and value chain creation of software with hardware eco-system for the brand. In most cases, Vida telecom manufactures the product they design for its clients and get the products branded in their own name and handover to them for their markets.

Vida Telecom’s OEM Contractual Obligation with Manufacturing and EMS factories

Once the modelled P1 – Prototype is developed by the DH & completion of various stages namely:- T0: Parts off the mold exactly as designed and built (the mold) - T1: Parts off the mold after corrections made from layout of T0 parts. Theoretically, T1 parts are ready for our customer approval and -T2: Parts off the mold after a second set of corrections made from layout of T1 parts. Theoretically, you should not have a need for T2 parts.

Vida Telecom will start the manufacturing process for its products based on the product design and specifications required by the market or provided by our client. Vida Telecom does all the market research and develops its own product owned tooling etc. Vida has its contractual obligation framework scheduled with the multiple renowned EMS & Assembly factories which it uses for product completion to roll-out.


Corporate Vision

To provide value-for-money product and best in class service experiences for our customers.

Corporate Mission

To continuously bring in innovative products & services to create value for our customers, opportunities for employees, benefits for stakeholders and shoulder responsibility of a true corporate citizen.

Corporate spirit

Discipline, Sincerity, Integrity, Passion, Teamwork.

Business strategy

Close to the customer, achieve product excellence, gain recognition.

We at Vida Telecom’s exploration in recent times is regarded as an active adaptation to the impact and challenges brought by globalization, we have entered into a new phase of proactively planning for the future and the team acts as a cohesive unit, with its eyes and ears on the ground, collectively deploying the strategies with corrective measures in place, we are sure this will take Vida Telecom through with flying colors.